• CS111: Introduction to Data Processing

    Introduction to computer hardware, software, Internet and World Wide Web. Provide students an in-depth understanding of why computers are essential tools in information processing, education, research, business and society in general. Use of the e-mail and World Wide Web as an integrated learning tool. Use of basic application software tools. word processing, spreadsheet and database.

    Prerequisite: none
    Credits: 3

  • CS112: Survey of Computer Science

    Introduction to computer Sciences as discipline, including theory of computation, programming languages and their structure, computer architecture, operating systems and networks, and social, ethical, and professional issues; use of application software (word processing, spreadsheet, database, etc.) and Internet; introduction to programming in a modern object-oriented programming language.

    Prerequisite: CS, MA or ME Majors or Faculty Approval
    Credits: 3

  • CS192: Computer Seminar

    Required for freshman computer science majors both seminars of the freshman year. Introduction to the field of Computer Science, methods of note talking, group advisement, problem sessions, other presentations may be make by faculty, guest speakers or students.

    Prerequisite: Freshman CS major
    Credits: 1

  • CS203: Computer Programming I

    This course is an introduction to basic concepts of computer science, with emphasis on object-oriented programming. Fundamental techniques for software design and implementation will be covered and these concepts demonstrated in a programming languages such as C++. Additional topics include top-down modular design, developing general purpose software tools, procedural and data abstraction and algorithms.

    Prerequisite: CS112
    Credits: 3

  • CS204: Computer Programming II

    This course will further develop and expand upon the topics introduced in CS203. Advanced object-oriented programming techniques will be covered, with extensive use of recursion and dynamic data structures. Abstract data types, including lists, queues, trees and graphics, will be studied. Algorithms for searching and sorting will be explored.

    Prerequisite: CS203
    Credits: 3

  • CS205: Data Structures

    Basic concepts of data structures and their representation of algorithms for manipulation of lists, trees, graphs, queues, stacks and sorting techniques.

    Prerequisite: CS204
    Credits: 3

  • CS221: Java Programming

    An introduction to a second programming language for computer science majors. Students learn to read and write programs in a modern object-oriented languages. The language chosen is one with popularity and use. The current language is Java.

    Prerequisite: CS204
    Credits: 3

  • CS231: Visual Basic Programming

    Introduction to computer programming and information processing principles using the Visual Basic Language. Application development, user interface design, program development methodology, structured and objective-oriented programming and Visual Basic software development system.

    Prerequisite: CS112
    Credits: 3

  • CS251: Algebraic Language Programming

    Using all facilities of FORTRAN including program design, constants and variables and array processing. Making use of subprograms, and formatted data.

    Prerequisite: CS112
    Credits: 3

  • CS275: Internship

    Internships that provide students with real-life work-related experiences in the field of computer science and mathematics are a valuable part of an undergraduate education. Students choosing this option may choose to satisfy requirements for computer science credits by completing a research internship in a qualifying position.

    Prerequisite: CS major
    Credits: 3

  • CS321: Computer Architecture

    (Writing Intensive Course). Introduction to the internal logical structure of computers and the techniques of machine level programming; architectures and functioning of micro/conventional computer systems. Taught with considerable emphasis on writing, requiring reports, projects and a major research paper. Course will stress in addition to theory, method of research and organization of written reports.

    Prerequisite: CS205
    Credits: 3

  • CS323: Introduction to Algorithms

    Study of the design and analysis of algorithms and data structures. The topics include analysis techniques, sorting, searching, advanced data structures, graphs and string matching.

    Prerequisite: CS205
    Credits: 3

  • CS341: Discrete Structures

    Elementary logic sets, relations, functions, ordering, equivalence relations, partitions, finite sets, module arithmetic; natural number, mathematical induction, arithmetic string, string programs, structured connectedness, traversals, graph algorithms.

    Prerequisite: CS205
    Credits: 3

  • CS350: Principles of Programming Language

    A survey of programming language concepts and design principles of programming paradigms (procedural, functional, and logic). Topics include a history of programming languages, data type supported, control structures, and run-time management dynamic structures.

    Prerequisite: CS205
    Credits: 3

  • CS351: Database Management

    This course examines the logical organization of databases; the hierarchical, network and primarily relational data models and their languages. Functional dependencies, normal forms, issues of database planning, design and implementation; examination of some commercially available database management systems.

    Prerequisite: CS205
    Credits: 3

  • CS361: Information Systems

    Introduction to computer concepts in context of business and information systems, and overview of the information systems discipline with emphasis on Visual Basic Programming in designing databases.

    Prerequisite: CS231
    Credits: 3

  • CS371: Operating Systems

    The course introduces the software that manages all the resources of a computer system. Basic principles of Memory Management, Processor/Process Management, Device Management. File Management and System Management are covered. Also, this course looks at several specific operating systems and evaluate their advantages and shortcomings.

    Prerequisite: CS205 and CS321
    Credits: 3

  • CS381: Artificial Intelligence

    This course will introduce students to history of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This course will teach some fundamental concepts and techniques in AI such as search algorithms including the use of heuristics, knowledge representation and reasoning, intelligent agents, machine learning, neural networks and planning.

    Prerequisite: CS205 and CS341

  • CS398: Social and Ethical Issues in Computing

    A study of the ways in which advances in computers and engineering technology have affected society. Impact of computers on society; discussion of the nature of digital computers and role of information processing in human affairs. Written and oral presentations by students concerning computer ethics and the social responsibilities of computer scientists are required.

    Prerequisite: Junior CS Major
    Credits: 1

  • CS422: Introduction to Networking

    This course covers issues of computer communications and networks. This course is organized around the TCP/IP reference model and Open Systems Interface model. The main topics include principles of data communications, local-area and wide-are networks, network design essentials, network media, network communication and protocols, network architectures, network operation systems and Internet-based applications.

    Prerequisite: CS371 and CS321
    Credits: 3

  • CS423: Introduction to Cybersecurity

    This course is an introductory course on cyber security, which include topics, such as but not limited to cyber threats, fundamentals of security design principles, information assurance fundamentals and introduction to cyber security.

    Prerequisite: CS371
    Credits: 3

  • CS425: Software Engineering

    An introduction to software engineering with emphasis on practical techniques for object-oriented analysis and design. Classical and modern principles and practice of software engineering, including classical and object-oriented approaches to architecture, design, life cycle, and project management; software metrics; change management; teams and teaming to tools; reusability, portability, and interoperability; requirement and specification. This course will expose students the methods of developing large software systems in an industrial environment. Working in terms, students will design, implement, and test large objects.

    Prerequisite: CS351
    Credits: 3

  • CS431: Numerical Analysis

    Computational methods of finding numerical solutions to nonlinear equations, computations of interpolating polynomial numerical integration, and ordinary differential equations.

    Prerequisite: CS205 and MA301
    Credits: 3

  • CS441: Languages and Compilers

    Generalized language features, Backus-Naur form, functional characteristics of various languages, semantic requirements of problem-solving tasks.

    Prerequisite: CS350
    Credits: 3

  • CS451: Information Storage and Retrieval

    This course focuses on the art and science of searching for information. The course examines systems for storage and retrieval of information in textual and other formats. The topics include query processing, matching and ranking algorithms, text analysis, user interfaces, and evaluation of retrieval effectiveness.

    Prerequisite: CS351
    Credits: 3

  • CS491-492: Computer Seminar

    Required for each senior computer science major each semester of the senior year. Presentation of topics in research new development, new systems, etc. Presentations may be made by faculty, guest speakers or students.

    Prerequisite: Senior in CS
    Credits: 1


  • MA100B: intermediate Algebra

    Topic include real numbers, algebraic expressions, factoring, algebraic fraction, linear equation and inequalities, quadratic equations, and systems of equations in two variables.

    Prerequisite: none
    Credits: 3

  • MA111: College Algebra

    Exponents and radicals, polynomials, factoring, functions and graphs, linear and quadratic equations inequalities systems of equations.

    Prerequisite: MA100B or minimum ACT sub-score of 18 in mathematics
    Credits: 3

  • MA112: Plane Trigonometry

    Trigonometric functions and their inverses, trigonometric identities and equations, solutions of triangles, analytic trigonometry, logarithms.

    Prerequisite: MA111 or Department Approval
    Credits: 3

  • MA132: Concepts of Mathematics II

    Basic concepts of algebra and informal geometry.

    Prerequisite: Open only to Elementary and Special Education Majors
    Credits: 3


    Introduction to functions, graphing, polynomials, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions and equations.

    Prerequisite: MA111 or ACT Mathematics sub-test of score of 18 or higher
    Credits: 3


    Required of each freshman mathematics major both semesters of the freshman year. Introduces the students to the department, the faculty, college life and mathematics as a major. Effective methods of note taking and research, efficient use of study time, problem solving and group advisement. A panel-symposium-lecture-discussion is employed. Presentations may be given by students, faculty or guest speakers.

    Prerequisite: Freshman MA or ME Majors
    Credits: 1

  • MA275/475: INTERNSHIP

    Internships that provide students with real-life work-related experiences in the field fo computer science and mathematics are a valuable part of an undergraduate education. Students choosing this option may choose to satisfy requirements for computer science credits by completing a research internship in a qualifying position.

    Prerequisite: MA or ME Major
    Credits: 3


    Functions, limits, differentiation, integration of Algebraic functions.

    Prerequisite: MA111 or ACT sub-test of 20 in mathematics
    Credits: 3


    Differentiation and integration of transcendental functions, techniques of integration.

    Prerequisite: MA299
    Credits: 3


    Parametric, equations, polar coordinates, vectors. Partial differentiation, multiple integrals, indeterminate forms, infinite series.

    Prerequisite: MA300
    Credits: 3


    Tabular and graphical representation of statistical data, measures of central tendency and variation, probability, sampling, statistical inference, confidence intervals, linear regression, correlation and an introduction to nonparametric statistical methods.

    Prerequisite: MA111 or MA299
    Credits: 3


    Differential calculus of functions of several variables; multiple integration; vector calculus.

    Prerequisite: MA301
    Credits: 3


    Historical investigation and presentation of the growth of mathematics knowledge and principles, including the historical development of African American men and women of mathematics and their contributions.

    Prerequisite: MA300
    Credits: 3


    Foundations of Euclidean geometry, metric and synthetic approaches, incidence betweeness, separation, congruence, similarity, and the role of the parallel postulate.

    Prerequisite: MA300
    Credits: 3


    Set theory, real numbers, functions. Cauchy sequences, completeness, nested intervals, vector spaces, metric spaces, normed spaces, dot and cross products, vector differentiation, curvilinear coordinates, and matrix algebra.

    Prerequisite: MA301
    Credits: 3


    Measure theory and Lebesque measure, Lebesque integrals, Steiltjes integrals, Riemann integrals, Fourier series with application of Lebesque measure, mean convergence and special inequalities, summability of Fourier series, double Lebesque integrals and Fubini’s theorem.

    Prerequisite: MA317
    Credits: 3


    Probability theory as applied to mathematical models of random events, independent and dependent events, numerical valued events, mean and variance of a probability law, normal and Poission probability laws, random variable.

    Prerequisite: MA300
    Credits: 3


    Vectors in n-dimensions, vector spaces in real and complex fields, determinants, matrices and solutions to systems of linear equations, bases, linear transformations, similarity transformation, linear operators characteristics equation, eigenvalues, eigenfunctions of linear operators, and diagonalization of matrices.

    Prerequisite: MA300
    Credits: 3


    Hermitian forms inner product spaces in real and complex vector spaces, orthogonal and orthonormal bases, Gram-Schmidt’s orthogonalization process, dual and Euclidean spaces.

    Prerequisite: MA331
    Credits: 3


    Deductive reasoning points, lines, distance, rays, angles, angular measurements, bisector, congruent triangle, similar triangle, and overlapping triangle, transformations, reflections, translations, rotations, inequalities, exterior angle theorem, triangle side and angle inequalities, parallel and perpendicular lines, quadrilaterals, area, circles, chords, tangents, secants, regular polygons and geometric solids.

    Prerequisite: MA299 or MA302
    Credits: 3


    Elementary logic sets, relations, functions, ordering, equivalence relations, partitions, finite sets, module arithmetic; natural number, mathematical induction, arithmetic string, string programs, structured connectedness, traversals, graph algorithms.

    Prerequisite: CS205 or MA299
    Credits: 3


    This course is designed to introduce students to spatial analysis techniques and issues, provide hands-on training in the use of these tools, and enable them to solve a variety of spatial and temporal problems. Emphasis will be placed on the nature of spatial information, spatial data models and structured, data input, manipulation and storage, spatial analytic and modeling techniques and error analysis.

    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
    Credits: 3


    Binary operations, groups, subgroups, permutations, cyclic groups, isomorphism, finitely generated and Abelian groups, rings, integral domains, homomorphism of rings of polynomial and factorization domains.

    Prerequisite: MA300
    Credits: 3


    An introduction to linear algebra, linear transformation, certain algebraic structures and their transformations, including groups, rings, vector spaces, cyclotomic polynomials, splitting fields, and elements of Galois theory.

    Prerequisite: MA401
    Credits: 3


    Introduction to differential equations, exact solutions, first and second order equations, linear dependence, Wronskian complex coefficients, non-homogenous equations, method of undetermined coefficients, variation parameter.

    Prerequisite: MA300 and Instructor Approval
    Credits: 3


    A comprehensive mathematics project with considerable detail to be completed under supervision of a faculty member. Topics to be decided in consultations with the faculty member.

    Prerequisite: Senior MA or ME major
    Credits: 3


    This course is designed for secondary Mathematics Majors. Emphasis is on developing teaching styles, and gaining information on psychological and learning theoretical foundation for teaching mathematics. Teaching models and strategies are explored and modeled in class presentations. Students are required to plan lessons, micro-teach, and solve problems involving classroom management, and learning to develop relationships with school personnel and community.

    Prerequisite: ED201 and MA301
    Credits: 3


    Required of all senior mathematics majors each semester of the senior year. Methods of research, proofs, current trends and new discoveries, group advisement on academic and vocational matters. A panel-symposium-lecture-discussion format is employed. Presentations may be given by students, faculty, or guest speakers.

    Prerequisite: Senior MA or ME major
    Credits: 1